Sustainability is the key to all facets of life...whether it be farming and gardening, camping and kayaking, or simply living on this planet from day to day.

Campers, hikers, and lovers of the outdoors have been doing it for years. We call it 'leave no trace' ~ leaving things nicer than we found them ~ in essence, the very same philosophy that we learned as little children but, which sadly, for many has fallen by the wayside as life just keeps getting busier and busier and as the world keeps moving faster and faster.

Slow down for a moment and sit a spell in the rocker on the front porch as I do my best to return my own life to those simpler times.

Enjoy your visit, come back as often as you like, and feel free to bring a friend every now and again~


"We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public." ~Bryan White

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And now...the flip side. My camera is back...but my first batch of yeast is a goner.

Sorry it has been a week since my last post.  It has been a very busy week, indeed. 

In the good news department...I found my camera battery charger!  It was (and I hate this phrase) 'the last place I looked'.  "Of course, it was!" I always want to shout at people.  Once you find any missing item, you stop looking for it.

In this case, however, I truly believe that I had looked just about everywhere else that it could have conceivably (and even not conceivably) been.  I went on a beautiful and wonderful autumn camping and kayaking trip this past weekend and I was determined to take photos.  I am so glad that I was persistent in the search.  The photos speak for themselves, I think.  These are actually raw photos, for the most part.  The only thing that I really did to them was to crop them.  That was it. The colors were truly as vibrant as they are in the photos -- possibly even more so.

At any rate, I searched and searched and searched for that camera battery.  I had intended to meet my friends at the campground at around 7 p.m.  It was a 2+ hour drive from my house to the campground.  So much for good intentions.  I left the house a little after 11 p.m. and arrived at Occoneechee State Park at shortly after 1 a.m. with camera in hand and a fully charged battery ready to go. 

It was a beautiful weekend of camping.  The weather was crisp and cold.  The colors were splendid and the company and cameraderie of the group were both amazing.  Quite a contrast from the Columbus Day weekend trip.  This one was beyond pleasant -- it was truly therapeutic.  We had a great time.

My son watched my dogs and my turkeys for me and he did a fine job.  However, I forgot to tell him about the yeast and to instruct him what to do with it.  It didn't even dawn on me until I returned home.  After three days without TLC, I think that it is beyond resuscitation.  It is just an ooey, gooey mess that doesn't appear to have any real life to it. 

I am not about to give up, though.  I picked up some Concord Grapes today and I will start to try to grow yeast from them beginning tomorrow.  I am not going away overnight for a while again, so I will be home to take good care of my little yeasty project.  Now that I have the camera back up and working again, I will chronicle it for you. 

In the meantime...I hope that you enjoy these photos of my most recent weekend adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Never give up girl!! I tried making yeast this summer and all I did was manage to stink up the kitchen! was not good...I used a couple of grapes from the grape vine too. Good luck hope this batch turns out...I may give it another go too...
