Sustainability is the key to all facets of life...whether it be farming and gardening, camping and kayaking, or simply living on this planet from day to day.

Campers, hikers, and lovers of the outdoors have been doing it for years. We call it 'leave no trace' ~ leaving things nicer than we found them ~ in essence, the very same philosophy that we learned as little children but, which sadly, for many has fallen by the wayside as life just keeps getting busier and busier and as the world keeps moving faster and faster.

Slow down for a moment and sit a spell in the rocker on the front porch as I do my best to return my own life to those simpler times.

Enjoy your visit, come back as often as you like, and feel free to bring a friend every now and again~


"We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public." ~Bryan White

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sweet Potatoes....the nearly perfect food!

Tonight I harvested my sweet potatoes.  This was the first year ever that I had tried to grow them.  I did all of my gardening in containers this year and was unsure how my sweet potatoes might do. 


...I have sweet potatoes!  My first harvest ever yielded about 30 sweet potatoes.  These are some of the more photogenic ones of the bunch.

Sweet potatoes are considered one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.   They have very high levels of antioxidants, as well as high levels of vitamins A, B6, and C,  C, B vitamins, manganese, copper, biotin, and potassium.  They stabilize blood sugar and improve the body's response to insulin.  High in fiber and low in calories, too. 

Plus, they are sweet, tasty, and versatile.  Next year I hope to plant a whole lot more than I did this year.  They were easy to grow and did well.

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